7 Practices for Personal Effectiveness

“Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.”
-Peter Drucker

Years ago, I taught workshops on time management and maximum productivity. But a fulfilling life doesn't mean getting the most done in the shortest amount of time.

Efficiency is about completing tasks with minimal wasted time and resources. But what if you are efficient at something that doesn't need to be done at all?

Effectiveness means focusing on your highest priorities and most important values and taking action on the things that have the greatest impact.

In this podcast episode, I share 7 Practices for Personal Effectiveness. I'm confident that following these Practices will help you focus on what matters most to you, reduce the complexity in your life, and give you more peace of mind.


“Average people wing it. Successful people have a plan. Exceptional people have a system."
- Tim Kight

We all feel we have too much to do and too little time. Consequently, we feel overwhelmed and stressed.
But you can:

  • Have your act together

  • Stay on top of things

  • Feel in control

  • Meet and even beat deadlines

But you can't wing it. You have to have a system.

In this month's podcast episode, I share a simple system for capturing and determining the priority of all your tasks.  This system is easy to use regardless of your job, season of life, personality, or whether you prefer a paper or electronic system.

I trust you'll find my High-Performance Workflow helpful as you navigate your roles and responsibilities.


7 Ways to Enjoy Life

We all have responsibilities and obligations, but I'm convinced that life is also meant to be enjoyed. Too many of us are so 'busy being busy' or leading lives of distraction that we don't pursue things that bring us true enjoyment.

In this podcast episode, I share 7 ways to enjoy life. I hope you'll give it a listen.

Remember, if you aren't enjoying life, others won't enjoy you!


Employee Engagement
How to Be the Best Boss Your Employees Ever Had

Many organizations believe the key to employee engagement is increased pay, enhanced benefits, and a flexible schedule. 

These are important factors but not the most important factor.

Gallup Management Research reveals that their relationship with their direct supervisor determines 70% of an employee's engagement. In other words, people don't leave companies; they leave bosses.

In this episode, I share seven no-cost ways to engage employees daily.


The Key to Emotional Intelligence
Responding Over Reacting

Our emotions can either hurt us or help us. Research shows that 80% of career success comes from Emotional Intelligence, not IQ.

How you handle yourself in the workplace goes a long way in determining career success. And how you manage yourself in your personal life will go a long well in determining the quality of your life and your relationships.

In this podcast episode, I share the key action that will make your life better and make you better at life. 


4 Qualities to Build Emotional Strength

In strength training, a strong core enables muscles to work in harmony and leads to better balance and stability. Stability is essential whether on the playing field or in regular activities.

Similarly, strengthening your C.O.R.E. emotional muscles provides stability for you emotionally. In this podcast episode, I explain how Confidence, Optimism, Resilience, and Enthusiasm can strengthen your core and lead to greater well-being.

Included is the Podcast Resource Guide for easy reference.